Happiness in Service

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

What started it All...

          I really don't know when I started to like singing. I am unlike those kids with guts and confidence who would take up a microphone on a stage and perform with much gusto. I am basically a homebody who would rather stay inside our home under the watch of my nanay and lola (bless their souls). Though when asked to sing , I can muster enough courage to sing in front and honestly, I enjoy the way my peers listens to my singing, but it never occurred to me that this would spark my desire to sing or that I would be a part of any ministry (music particularly), timid as I am.
           So how did it all start? My nanay who taught me to say the Angelus every 6 pm and to pray the rosary, (God how I miss those days) took me to a prayer meeting and a sister there asked me if I wanted to join the choir? I looked at her undecided while wondering to myself why is she recruiting me to join them when she didn't even know if I could sing. I reluctantly answered "I will try". Of course my nanay kept on asking me to join and keeps reminding me of the time and place (hayyy).  The first day I went to practice with my lola, I was late for an hour and a half but I was telling the Lord that if the practice was already midway, it was not meant for me. And you know what? When I got there they were just about to start as if they were waiting for me (not actually, something happened that delayed the practice). That confirmed that singing for the Lord is my calling.
    I want to share my thoughts on service through music in my own little way. I hope that people who chance upon this, may be able to pick a thought or two, and share your views with me too.