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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Don't try and teach a pig to sing...

...It does not work and only annoys the pig.  Instead, sing a different tune.  Or better yet, face the music.

Para sa mga, ehem, illustrado, madaling makita na ang mga pangungusap sa itaas ay binubuo ng mga kawikaan (idioms).  An idiom is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. In layman's terms, an idiom's meaning cannot be derived from the individual definitions of the words that comprise it. Since we are in the business of music, I made a research on idioms relating to music and what they actually mean.  Enjoy reading!

source:  kaplaninternational.com

And now for the meanings of the idioms in the first paragraph:

Don't try and teach a pig to sing.  It does not work and only annoys the pig.
Meaning:  Don't try to change someone who is not interested in change.  You would only waste time and it would just annoy the other person.

Sing a different tune.
Meaning:  Change [your] ways [for the better].

Face the music.
Meaning:  Be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of your actions.