Happiness in Service

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Last Sunday, we had our February Fellowship.  No, it was not centered on a ring to be destroyed in the flames of Mount Doom.  So, sorry to disappoint you.  LOL

The February Fellowship was conducted on 28 February 2016 which coincided with the celebration of members who have actively participated with most KMM endeavors.  Lorenz (of the Tenors) had his birthday on 10 February, Virgie (soprano) celebrated hers on the 12th and, Sis. Belle’s (alto, Ministry Head)  was on the 21st.

The fellowship started with a number of games, cluster versus cluster, after which a regular rehearsal was done.  Reading of the Gospel was conducted which was followed by reflections on the Word of God.  The final reflection was given by Founder, Head Servant and Choir Master Bro. Dhong Zamora.

Awards were given by Sis. Belle and Bro. Dhong to the members with outstanding attendance show rate for the month of January.  They were Jerquel (bass of cluster 2) with 81%, Jon (tenor of cluster 3) with 88%, Abi (soprano of cluster 6) also with 88%, and RJ (tenor of cluster 4) with 94%.  The Altos were the most present in the month of January having had 71% sectional attendance show rate of all its members.

Here are some photos.

 February celebrators:  (L-R:  Sis. Belle, Lorenz, Bro. Dhong, Virgie)

Jerquel with 81% January attendance

Jon with 88% January attendance

Abi with 88% January attendance

RJ with 94% January attendance

The Altos with 71% sectional attendance show rate
(L-R:  Clarisse, Gemma, Christina, Darlyn, Sis. Belle, Jocelyn with Bro. Dhong)