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Monday, June 6, 2016

Hindi ka IMMORAL kahit hindi mo basahin ang post na ito.

I would like to take a break from the usual posting of the recently concluded fellowship that happened 2 Sundays ago to make way for something I believe to be pressing, urgent, important but all together annoying.

I have had the chance to talk to someone a few weeks ago who at the time was seriously contemplating on leaving KMM about something I found really strange.  Among various reasons, he mentioned of morality (or the lack of it) of some members in the choir. It kind of got me annoyed because:

1.  As a Catholic, I am aware that I belong to an imperfect Church, and that I am aware of the fact that I am also imperfect, thus, IMMORAL.

2.  The fact that I am IMMORAL precludes me from having the MORAL ASCENDANCY to make objective comments about the supposed morality of anyone else including that of myself.

3.  I am simply not in any position to judge someone’s morality based on what I see, what I hear, or even what I feel.  I also believed neither was he.

Personally, I find all those accusations as hearsay and not “worthy of belief.”  Unless of course someone has evidence that substantiates the accusations, in which case I am willing to change my mind, the best way to handle such situations is to be silent.  The burden of proof falls upon the accuser.  But that is of the legal sense and I am no lawyer.

Going back, as much as I want to engage this person, I simply told him the following points:

1.  Morality is a principle that determines if something is GOOD or BAD.   Oxford defines morality as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior).

2.  There may be many facets to morality, and certainly it includes one of sexual nature, but it is most definitely not limited to that facet alone.

3.  I believe that on the issue of determining if something or some action is right or wrong, there is at least one book to consult: the Holy Bible.

source:  http://cf.mp-cdn.net/13/9c/7c8c75f5d91fe4de5520b08e41ce-could-an-immoral-choice-be-seen-as-a-moral-choice-from-the-right-point-of-view.jpg

Hindi layon ng mga sumusunod na lathalain na husgahan ang sinuman.  Bagkus, ito po ay pagpapakita lamang ng isang pamantayag batay lamang sa aking paniniwala, at hindi sumasalamin sa opisyal na pagtuturo ng Iglesia Catolica.

Exodus 20:2-17 is one of two parts in the Old Testament that discusses The Ten Commandments.  The translation is directly lifted from Catechism of the Catholic Church as published in the official website of the Holy See.

source: https://parishableitems.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/ten-commandments-sacred-heart-catholic-church-wauzeka-wi.jpg

The Ten Commandments

1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.
2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the LORD'S day.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

It is safe to say that as a Catholic, this special list is somewhat a good way to start examining ourselves if we are moral or immoral.  Violate any one of those commandments and you are a certified…  Well, you know…

There are other lists of verses in the new testament relating to the determination of good or bad.  Feel free to consult them or our local priest.