Happiness in Service

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Friday, July 1, 2016


Brand new stuff, and others.


Brand new month and here in the Philippines, there is a brand new President and Vice President.

Left:  President Rodrigo R. Duterte
Right:  Vice President Maria Leonor G. Robredo


1 entry, 2 fellowships

May fellowship was conducted on 29 May; June fellowship on 26 June.

Highlights of the May fellowship

Gospel:  Luke 9:11b-17
              “You give them something to eat.”
Feast:     Solemnity of Corpus Christi

OIC:        Angelo Valencia
                Ministry Secretary II
Awards:   Perfect Attendance   
               Abigail de Asis
               Rolyn de Asis
               Francis Ignacio

               Outstanding Attendance
               Angelica Mesina - 90%
               Nimfa Cruz - 86%
               Francheska Marie Labrador - 86%
               Ma. Christina dela Cruz - 86%
               Mark Ericson Silvino - 86%
               Michael del Pilar - 81%

               Best Sectional Attendance
               Basses - 75.04%

Celebrators:    Angelica Mesina – birthday, 17 May
                      Jomer Bautista - birthday, 17 May
                      Marlon David – birthday, 24 May
                      Mark Ericson Silvino – graduation, 21 May

Highlights of the June fellowship
Gospel:   Luke 9:51-62
               “I will follow you, Lord; but first...”
Feast:     none

OIC:        Monica Mea Angeles
                Head of the Sopranos, Finance and Resources Officer II
Awards:   Perfect Attendance   
                Abigail de Asis
                Rolyn de Asis
                Outstanding Attendance
                Liezelyn Funtanares - 93%
                Stephanie Grace Villojan - 86%
                Nimfa Cruz - 81%
                Best Sectional Attendance
                Basses - 75.40%

Celebrators:    Nimfa Cruz – birthday, 04 June
                      Gelli Ann Cenita – birthday, 15 June


July birthday celebrators
Jamie Anne Gavino - 14 July, Thursday
Monica Mea Angeles - 18 July, Monday
Jon-jomar Ramos - 18 July, Monday