Happiness in Service

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

What does it take to be a strong group?

It takes faith.

It took my section 2 months to get there.  A little longer than expected.  But we are there.  :)

But how do we make our group strong?

1.  Find the common denominator.

What is it that you all like doing?  Is it going to the movies? Gardening?  DOTA?  Arts and craft? Whatever it is, find a way to find it and capitalize on it.  Use it to gather the people.  Keep them interested by using the common denominator as their reason for showing up.  In the long run, showing up will be a way of life for them and the common denominator will drop off naturally such that it will no longer be the driving force.

2.  Keep yourself grounded.

Be humble.  Stay humble. Pray for humility.  Resist the temptation of bragging about your talents, abilities, looks, money, whathaveyou.  Remember, you are only a steward.  Everything you hold now will be turned over to your Creator.  If you are a leader, disabuse yourself of the idea that everybody must agree with you.  Decisions for the better are created after careful deliberations of facts and situations.  Remember that even if you are in authority over your fellow members, all authority comes from God.  You must not abuse it.

3. Know your groupmates.

This is an easy way to find the answer to number 1.  It is not enough that you know what their names are, where they live, what they do.  Know the story behind the name and the face.

4.  Talk to your groupmates.

Communication is always the key to better understanding.  It's not enough that you have good intentions.  Most of the time, you have to talk to each other.  Talk to each other privately or as a group.  This may take effort but it's all worth it.

5.  Help out each other.

Not everyone has the same socio-economic situation that you have.  For that matter, seek ways to help.  And never be afraid to seek help if you must. Always consider your brothers' situation.

6.  Always remind your groupmates that this is SERVICE TO GOD and it should be taken seriously.

You might want to do something else if you aren't serious about serving the Lord. 

7.  Love one another.

What kind of service are we offering to Him if we hate each other?

soucre:  http://www.miztees.com/

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